10 Crow Symbolism Facts & Meaning: A Totem, Spirit & Power Animal

The Crow has many similarities with the raven. For one, both of them are in the same scientific family. This explains the similarity in traits, from their black plumage, to their cawing voice, to their uncanny intellect. Their similarities also extend to their symbolism — both the Crow and the raven are related to mystery and magic.

So where do they differ? The Crow leans towards the magic of transformation. Whereas the raven mostly signifies the blurring of the line between the physical and the magical, the Crow specializes in the way one of these planes masquerade as the other. The physical plane may transform into one that is suddenly fantastic, while a journey into the magical plane may appear all too mundane (until we begin unlocking its secrets).

Crow Symbolism Facts & Meaning: A Totem, Spirit & Power Animal

Crow Symbolism & Meaning

When you meet a Crow, like a raven, your first thought is most likely going to be “bad luck!”. But this isn’t really the case, unless of course you have done something that deserves it. The Crow, being a creature that watches over the transformation of the different planes, has a sharp eye to distinguish which is which. That means a Crow symbolizes powerful foresight. If a Crow causes you to see bad luck in the future, remember that this is just one of the many possible outcomes. You can tap on the Crow’s power to transform this luck into any one of the many scenarios your foresight has looked into.

The transformational power of the Crow can also be taken to be a little more literal. A Crow can help one shape-shift, not in a physical but in an emotional or spiritual sense. You see, Crows can help you adapt your energies to the situation, allowing you to manifest whichever it is that is most helpful in the situation you are facing.

Crow Spirit Animal

When the Crow flies in as your spirit animal, you are given the unusual ability to look far beyond what the eye could see. The Crow’s powers will help you in gaining unusually accurate insights into the things around you. How do you think Crow’s become so smart? It is largely because they have a logical intuition and an observational power that most other animals lack. In short, Crows gain an insight others can’t.

Crow Power Animal

Aside from the above-mentioned abilities, a Crow is also a very potent power animal when you need to protect others. Crows are extremely protective, and have been known to drive off much larger creatures. This protectiveness does not just extend to other people, though, but to yourself and your possessions. Whether it is an intellectual right, or any object you own, the Crow helps you ensure it is safe and sound.

The Crow is also a powerful animal when it comes to helping you think creatively, especially when such thinking is applied to life-or-death situations. When thinking outside the box is essential to survival, call upon the powers of the Crow.

Crow Totem Animal

Crow people are well-known for their handiwork. They may not dabble in the arts, but they can take bits and pieces of anything and turn them into something useful! Trust in a Crow person to find unorthodox methods that actually work when you need them.

Crow people also tend to straddle the extremes of personalities. They can be tense and easygoing, frustrating and helpful. They can shift their traits according to need, a need that sometimes only they perceive. Such is their understanding of the world around them.

Crow Native American Symbolism

It is the Native Americans who primarily see the Crow as a symbol of good fortune. To them, the Crow is a cleanser of the land and of the mind. There are many Crow clans in their culture, and the Crow is often highly regarded as a wise advisor to be consulted in times of need.

Crow Celtic Symbolism

The Crow’s magical prowess is enshrined in its connection to Lugus in the Celtic mythology. Lugus is a deity assigned to the sun and creation, which runs contrary again to the common conception of the Crow as a symbol of darkness.

Crow Far Eastern Symbolism

In China, the Crow is again depicted with the sun, a helper that nudges the sun along its arc in the heavens. It changes to a symbol of bad luck only when people hear its (rather rough) song. In Japan, Crows are considered smart creatures who were once priests punished for their vanity. Now, they act as messengers of deities that until they regain their humility will they transform back to their original forms.

Crow in Dreams

When the Crow appears in dreams, they may be trying to warn you about a duplicitous figure in your vicinity. Remember that Crows have sharp intuition, and they can sense when someone else has “transformed” into something they shouldn’t be. So stay sharp and use your instincts to find something that isn’t right — you have time yet to counter any bad luck that may be coming to you.

Crow Encounters / Crow Omens

When you see a Crow, it may be trying to give you a message. This message may be a warning, a piece of advice, or something more benign. Don’t expect the meaning of the message to come across easily, though — Crows love a bit of trickery, and you will have to solve quite the puzzle to get to the heart of the message. It is all worth it, though!

Crow Mythology and Folklore

Crow mythologies may tell of happy or sad stories, depending on where they come from. To the Native Americans, it is a very happy story — they believe it was the Crow in his wisdom who brought down fire from the heavens. They are also depicted as survivors, predating the chaotic times of creation. Greek mythology, on the other hand, pays respect to the Crow’s intelligence by linking them to Apollo, one of whose many gifts is prophecy.

So when you see a Crow, don’t fear it. Instead, understand it and relish its many outstanding traits. Maybe then you can take part in its deep wells of wisdom!
