Crabs are reclusive and sensitive making it a good thing that they often answer when you call upon them as spirit animals. In turn, they implore us to come out of our shell and try to understand their lessons.

Crab Symbolism Facts & Meaning: A Totem, Spirit & Power Animal

Crab Symbolism & Meaning

The Crab’s sideways walk is considered to be an invitation to not confront a problem directly. Instead, you are being encouraged to find a lesser known path. It might be deviating a little bit from what you are familiar with, but it might offer less resistance.

Also, since the Crab can survive on both water and land, it is commonly attributed the celebration of being peculiar and the appreciation of a person’s individuality.

With their shells and show of adaptability despite having several predators, they are attributed resiliency and toughness.

Crab Spirit Animal

As a spirit animal, the Crab’s message is simple: change. Whether it is about changing your pace, or improving your habits, the Crab is encouraging you to stop procrastinating. Those who do will find the Crab’s claws not letting them off the hook, leaving them with no choice but to change their ways. You have to be warned, however, that Crabs are vulnerable during this process of renewal, and so are you.

As the Crab casts off its shell, it wants you to experience rebirth and release pent up emotions, as these can pose harm to yourself when left corralled for so long.

Crab Power Animal

When you are feeling defeated, feel free to call on the Crab. It will help you figure out a way, for you might have overlooked because of your unstable emotions.

If you feel that you are being too exposed, whether it is your thoughts, your body or your soul, asking the Crab’s guidance will give you strength in overcoming these feelings. It will help you find your shell again.

Crab Totem Animal

People born under the Crab totem are as strong and resilient as the Crab’s exo-skeleton. They are like warriors, always ready for battle. Because of this, they often build up walls and rarely let people get to know them. So, while they are ready for combat, they can allow themselves to relax and be content for they are aware of being safe. This helps them easily adapt to their current situation, knowing they are protected.

Crab people are calm and collected, despite being shy and introverted. They tend to be caring and gentle but are tough when the situation calls for it. They usually go with the flow, but sometimes due to being too shy to voice out their desires.

While feeling safe is great, not going out of your comfort zone means you might be missing out on great opportunities and meeting great people.

Crab Native American Symbolism

The Native American views the Crab as symbols of rebirth. This is because they believe that humans are reincarnated as sea creatures. They also see it as a lunar symbol, with the ability to pull emotions and intuition.

For them, these sea creatures represent sustenance and admiration, as seen in their practice of gifting their elders a bundle of fresh Crab as a sign of respect.

Crab Celtic Symbolism

Western Astrology paints the Crab as the icon of one of the zodiac signs, Cancer. Because of this, they are linked to the water element, and in turn the Moon. This is why they are often seen on some tarot’s moon card. It is also worth noting that the Moon happened to be considered as the matron guardian and overseer of the Crab’s well-being.

The Cancer constellation was said to be placed by the Greek goddess Hera, in recognition of the Crab’s helpful attitude before being defeated by Heracles.

Crab Far Eastern Symbolism

Aside from considering the Crab as an aphrodisiac, the Chinese compares them to the sun, shining in its full glory. This, in turn, links the sea creature to chasing away darkness and evil, making them a respectable talisman for protection. Crabs are believed to bring peace and harmony as well as health and wealth. Additionally, some Chinese men are said to wear Crab talismans to enhance their sexual prowess.

Crab in Dreams

Dreaming of a Crab usually means you are feeling overly exposed. While contradictory, it could also mean that you are feeling overly protected, to the point that you feel you are being too dependent on someone or something. It indicates that you are fighting the universe’s natural forces.

If the Crab in your dream seems frightened or nervous, it means you are anxious of an impending change. This could also be the Crab’s way of giving you a heads up that adventure is on its way.

Getting snapped by the Crab’s claws means you have to be wary of interacting with the people around you. However, it could also mean that you have to look inwards because you are being too hard on yourself.

Dreams of eating Crab could mean a looming illness or health problems. It is best to visit your doctor and get checked up if this happens.

Crab Encounters / Crab Omens

When you encounter a Crab, it could represent a call for a close inspection of your feelings. The Crab is asking you to go over your emotions and decisions, to check on what you aren’t letting go and what you have been ignoring.

It could also be a reminder from the Crab to just let go, as you might be feeling too many emotions too intensely.

Crab Mythology and Folklore

In one of the Philippines’ mythologies, a gargantuan Crab is believed to be a child of the sun and the moon. This sea creature is called Tambanokano and is said to cause the high tide and low tide. It is mentioned that sometimes they try to swallow their mother, the moon.

The Japanese have a special Crab called the Heikegani. According to folklore, the souls of the Heike samurai warriors are reincarnated into the Crabs that ate their remains, giving the reason why its patterns resemble a human face. Today, these Crabs are believed to be roaming the ocean floor searching for the empire’s lost heirlooms.
