When people are referred to as “Sheep”, it is often in a derogatory sense. A Sheep is timid, silent, and non-confrontational to a fault. A Sheep will stand by while he and the people around him are being harmed. A Sheep is a sacrificial lamb.

But, as we have seen with several other animal symbols (take the pig, for example), this description is merely scratching the surface. If we observe these timid creatures a little more, there are amazing things to be discovered from them.

When Sheep are still and timid, they don’t do it just because they want to. It takes amazing resoluteness to stay still when the world around you is going down in flames. And no, Sheep don’t take on those characteristics because of a lack of aptitude. Instead, it stems from their amazing balance and surefootedness.

Sheep / Ram Symbolism Facts & Meaning: A Totem, Spirit & Power Animal

We might not see it in the farm-variety Sheep, but out in the wild (where Sheep are mostly referred to as Rams), Sheep have an incredible ability to gain a foothold with just a couple of inches of ground. This is how some types can climb mountains with nothing but small ledges, too small for even nimble humans to get a grip on. This ability reverberates through the Sheep’s personality, and its meaning as an animal symbol.

Sheep / Ram Symbolism & Meaning

Sheep have been used since the early times as a source of sustenance. Their meat becomes food, and their fur becomes wool. Their usefulness gave them high value in early society, and this is one of the reasons why they were often chosen to become sacrifices on the altar of the gods. Here we see that the Sheep’s reputation as a sacrifice does not come from its silence in the face of such, but rather from its value.

The Sheep has become such a commanding figure in early times that a slew of other symbolism had grown around it. There is the idea of the “black Sheep”, someone who has diminished his innate social value by being disobedient. There is the “wolf in Sheep’s clothing” who tries to pose as someone of value and good nature. Then, going back to the surefootedness of Sheep in the wild, there is the “battering Ram” which hails the steadfastness of the Sheep in breaking through obstacles.

Sheep / Ram Spirit Animal

The Sheep, as a spirit animal, can take on the different personalities we have discussed above. Additionally, when the spirit animal comes to you, the Sheep may take on various forms. It may be the timid farm animal, or it may be the wild, headstrong Ram. Which one comes to you depends on what you need at the moment — but remember that they are just two sides of the same coin.

The Sheep may come to you when you are in need of calming down, when you need to use the strength of being quiet in the face of everyone who rages at you. Remember that nothing infuriates your detractors more than your staying calm and composed in the midst of their assault.

The Ram, on the other hand, may come to you when the time for sitting down is over, and you need to break past your obstacles. Rams don’t do it with a roar or pomp — they just crash through and emerge on the other side.

Whichever one comes to you, remember that at the bottom of it, all you need to do is stay calm and surefooted — a strong sense of balance in life is the only thing that could prevent you from being blown over.

Sheep / Ram Power Animal

By now you’ve already heard of how multifaceted a Sheep’s personality really is. They come in really handy as power animals, for those times when we need various types of courage.

This courage evolves to its pinnacle when you consider the Sheep’s symbolism as a sacrifice — an act done to correct what had been done wrong. This is the ultimate act of courage, to do whatever it takes to make sure that bad things are rectified. Silence may be healing, but self-sacrifice may sometimes be needed to restore order.

Sheep / Ram Totem Animal

People born under the Sheep totem are humble and steady, and are naturally tender. They are those prone to doing things for no other reason than to help others.

Sheep / Ram Native American Symbolism

The Sheep, unfortunately, are not among the animals chosen by the Native American Indians for their symbolism. This is probably because most Native American tribes lived in places where Sheep don’t thrive.

Sheep / Ram Celtic Symbolism

To the Celts, Sheep are tied to the goddess that takes care of mothers. The goddess, named Brigit, is also responsible for the art of midwifery, and the science of healing. She is the hearth of the home, and is similar to the Greek goddess Vesta in that she symbolizes its fire. This reflects the calm and motherly fortitude of the Sheep.

Sheep / Ram Far Eastern Symbolism

The Sheep appears in the Chinese Zodiac, to be among the 12 animals that responded to Buddha’s call. Here, the Sheep (or Ram) also symbolizes steadfastness.

Sheep / Ram in Dreams

When you dream of Sheep, pay attention to the surroundings in your dream. Is there a shepherd in view? Are the Sheep in a comfortable place? Maybe the dream alludes to you being led astray by a “bad” shepherd in your life.

Sheep / Ram Encounters / Sheep / Ram Omens

When a Sheep appears to you, it is calling for your innocence to return to that of your childhood. Just like the meditative traditions of old, you can be the surest and most steadfast when your mind is clear and innocent.

Sheep / Ram Mythology and Folklore

The Sheep is perhaps most famous for being the image of Jesus, the Lamb of God, in the Bible. In the Christian faith, Jesus sacrificed Himself to save humanity from the clutches of sin. This was considered the greatest sacrifice of all — to have one equivalent to a God submit himself to death to correct the errors of mankind. This perfectly represents the way Sheep are chosen as sacrifice — not because they are lowly, but because they are the only choice when nothing less than the best is needed.

As you can see, being a Sheep in everyday life is a tough call — but you are invited to answer it!
