10 Octopus Symbolism, Myths & Meaning: A Totem, Spirit & Power Animal

Octopus Symbolism Facts & Meaning: A Totem, Spirit & Power Animal

Octopus Symbolism & Meaning

Across civilizations, the Octopus symbolizes intellect, creative thinking, and adaptability. It reflects mystery and illusion by its ability to blend in with its surroundings, and it represents ingenuity, cunning, and problem-solving skills. In certain circumstances, it represents rebirth, regeneration and fortitude in the face of difficulties. The creature’s sophisticated physiology and behavior highlight the minute aspects of existence.

Encapsulating the multitude of interpretations around this intriguing organism, the Octopus is a marine emblem linked to the great secrets of the sea.

Octopus Spirit Animal

The Octopus is a spirit animal that stands for adaptation, creativity, and flexibility in conquering challenges in life. You may be inspired to utilize your intellect to overcome obstacles if the Octopus symbolizes your spirit animal, as it is associated with intelligence and problem-solving abilities.

Octopus Power Animal

Being able to change color and fit in with its environment, the Octopus as a power animal represents defense and camouflage. It gives strength to go stealthily through circumstances. Furthermore, because certain cultures identify the Octopus with the capacity to regenerate missing limbs, it symbolizes rejuvenation and regeneration as well as the ability to overcome adversity.

Octopus Totem Animal

As a totem animal, the Octopus encourages people to embrace the hidden facets of themselves or their circumstances by representing the exploration of mystery and the unknown. It also stimulates invention and creativity, fostering a way of thinking that looks outside the box and finds original answers to problems.

Octopus Native American Symbolism

There is a great deal of variation in Native American symbolism, since each tribe has developed its own interpretations and symbols based on its cultural histories, geographic regions, and customs.

Native American tribes generally identify their animal totems and emblems with local wildlife, such as wolves, eagles, bears, and buffalo, which are more prominent since they are indigenous to North America. Since the Octopus is not indigenous to North America, where many Native American tribes live, it lacks a generally accepted symbolic connotation in traditional Native American civilizations.

Octopus Celtic Symbolism

Although there are many animal themes and symbols drawn from nature in Celtic symbolism, the Octopus is not a common or significant figure in Celtic iconography. Legendary animals like dragons and serpents are frequently shown in Celtic art, along with animals like the Celtic Hound, stag, and boar.

The animals and plants that were common in their surroundings served as emblems for the Celtic people, who were renowned for having a close relationship with nature. These emblems, which reflected the Celtic’s respect for the elements of nature, usually represented attributes like power, protection, and wisdom.

Octopus Far Eastern Symbolism

Although the Octopus is not frequently seen in Far Eastern and Asian iconography, it does have particular cultural connotations in some instances. The Octopus is primarily linked to intellect and strategic thinking. It is a sign of flexibility and problem-solving abilities. Its capacity for transformation reflects themes of development and change.

The Octopus is an important and highly valued culinary component in East Asian cuisine, particularly in Japan, where it is used as the main ingredient of many different dishes. Its symbolic value reflects themes of wealth, prosperity, and respect for marine resources and is frequently linked to culinary and cultural traditions. Because of its culinary portrayal, the Octopus comes to represent both culinary enjoyment and cultural history.

Octopus in Dreams

An Octopus in a dream may represent a number of things, such as a desire for independence, emotional complexity, flexibility and multitasking, creativity, addressing problems or phobias, and exploring enigmatic or uncharted areas of life. The interpretation is contingent upon the particular circumstances of the dream as well as the dreamer’s own recollections and associations with the Octopus.

Octopus Encounters / Octopus Omens

Many civilizations and geographical areas have different omens and superstitions about Octopuses.

  • Japan: The dream of an Octopus is connected to a peculiar superstition in Japanese culture. It is said that having a dream like this brings luck. The wordplay between the terms “good luck” and “advantageous” and the Japanese word for Octopus, “tako,” gives this superstition an intriguing linguistic twist.
  • South Korea: The belief that eating live Octopus tentacles can increase male virility is a superstition prevalent in South Korea.
  • Spain: It is a belief in Spain that a fisherman may suffer bad fortune if they catch an Octopus and toss it back into the water. Rather, it is thought that releasing the Octopus with caution will bring good fortune.
  • China: The Octopus is not often connected with favorable meanings in Chinese culture. Its numerous arms are often viewed as a representation of entanglement or problems.
  • General Maritime: Octopuses at sea have always been associated with unfavorable weather and choppy waters in nautical tradition. This theory may have its roots in the notion that, prior to storms, Octopuses are more active toward the surface.

Octopus Mythology and Folklore

The Octopus has captured human imagination for millennia, creating stories and myths from all over the world.

  • Kraken (Norse Mythology): A fabled marine creature that appears frequently in Norse mythology is the Kraken. The Kraken was reported to be a massive mollusk that resembled an Octopus or squid that lived off the coastlines of Greenland and Norway. It was dreaded because of its propensity to whip up whirlpools and pull sailors and ships down into the ocean.
  • Akkorokamui (Japanese Mythology): The enormous red Octopus or squid known as Akkorokamui, from Japanese folklore, had remarkable healing powers. It is said that benefits are bestowed on anyone who survives an encounter with this beast. But because of its enormous size, the encounter is frequently dangerous.
  • Triton and the Octopus (Greek Mythology): Greek mythology frequently depicts an Octopus tail on Triton, the son of Poseidon. The Octopus signifies the expanse and strength of the sea. Since Triton was revered as a sea deity, the Octopus symbolism served to further emphasize his affinity for aquatic themes.
  • Maui and the Octopus (Polynesian Mythology): According to Polynesian legend, the demigod Maui was able to shape-shift into various animals because of a magical fishhook. In one story, the changing of Maui into an Octopus to accomplish a specific task is described, demonstrating the creature’s intellect and flexibility.
