Moonstone Gemstone Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Legends

Moonstone Gemstone Facts and History

Steeped with legend and mysticism for centuries, the enigmatic Moonstone Gemstone is the subject of fascination by ancient cultures and in modern times. The Moonstone belongs to the feldspar group of rocks and is made up of sodium potassium aluminum silicate. Another name for Moonstone is hecatolite.

Moonstones are not rare gemstones but their opaque milky opalescent quality made them coveted since ancient times. The main appeal of Moonstones is their adularescence or schiller that causes an inner glow, much like moonlight. This phenomenon is a result of light diffracting through the multiple thin layers of feldspar within the gemstone, softly illuminating the gem.

Although most popularly known for its milky opalescent color, Moonstones are formed in many shades of color variants including blue, pink, gray, yellow, green, and even black.

Ancient cultures greatly associated the gemstone with the moon, believing that it came from moonbeams, hence its name. It was Pliny the Elder who first recorded the gem’s name, claiming its shimmery appearance shifts along with the changing phases of the moon.

Moonstones naturally occur in several places throughout the globe. Deposits of Moonstones are mined in the USA, Mexico, Australia, Madagascar, India, Norway, Poland, Armenia, and Austria. Historically, the most valued Moonstone gems were mined in Myanmar. In modern times, commercial Moonstone gems are now mined in Sri Lanka.

Moonstone Gemstones are relatively soft compared to other popular gems. On the Mohs hardness scale, Moonstones only have a rating of 6 to 6.5.

Nevertheless, it has consistently been a popular stone for jewelry throughout the centuries because of the mysticism that surrounds the stone and its gorgeous shimmering quality.

The use of Moonstone in jewelry skyrocketed in popularity during the Arts Nouveau Era between 1890 and 1910. This popularity continued throughout the Arts and Craft Era, during the Hippie Era, the New Age movement, and into modern times.

In 1970, the state of Florida in America made the Moonstone its official state gemstone despite the stone not naturally occurring in the state. They did this to commemorate the moon landings that took off at the Kennedy Space Center.

Moonstone Gemstone Uses

Moonstone Gemstones have been worn as jewelry since ancient times. Its shifting colors and shimmering properties made it to be more sought after compared to other similar opalescence gemstones. Because Moonstone is prone to cracking, jewelers opt to make Moonstone earrings and necklaces rather than rings or bracelets to avoid unnecessary impacts.

Skilled jewelers can carve Moonstone Gemstones into different shapes and forms and turn them into jewelry. A popular shape to carve into Moonstone is the face of the man on the moon.

It was a widely held belief in ancient times that Moonstone gems have metaphysical powers because of their connection to the moon. Moonstones are worn and held as talismans for protection, especially at night.

In Ancient Rome, Moonstones were used to illuminate roads at night. The gem also doubled as a symbol of protection for travelers moving across the Roman roads.

Moonstone Gemstone Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism

The Moonstone Gemstone’s spiritual meaning and symbolism are largely shaped by the universal belief in its divine connection with the moon. Like the moon, the Moonstone Gemstone can help your energy ebb and flow, taking the negativity away and revitalizing you when needed.

Moonstones largely represent feminine energy and it helps women spiritually through different stages of their journey in womanhood. It is believed that Moonstones bring luck and fortune to women during their menstruation, for fertility, and as they go through menopause.

This mystic gemstone also represents the bringing of inner peace and achieving emotional balance as it is connected to the third eye and heart chakra.

The Moonstone gem is believed to be the stone of lovers and relationships. It helps people strengthen their relationships whether it be with partners or friends. It also increases sensuality.

Moonstone Gemstone Symbolism of Different Shapes and Forms

The Blue Moonstone gem is the most valuable of all the Moonstone variants. Symbolically, it represents balance, feminine energy, focus, and awareness.

The Green Moonstone is slightly transparent and often found with a starburst effect. This gem represents happiness and self-love, strengthening the connection with the heart chakra.

The Peach or yellow Moonstone represents finding happiness like summer light, bringing bright light to the darkness of fear and anxiety.

The White Moonstone symbolizes the new moon and is believed to reinforce balance amidst strong emotions.

Moonstone Gemstone Symbolism in Different Cultures

In the many different religions and cultures in the world, the Moonstone Gemstone is often associated with the different moon deities such as Diana and Artemis from ancient Rome and ancient Greece respectively. The Hindu god of the moon, Ganesh, is depicted as having a Moonstone embedded on his forehead.

In India, Moonstones are traditional wedding gifts to strengthen the newlywed’s relationship. In Ancient Tibetan culture, Moonstone was believed to heal people’s anxieties and other mental health issues. It is known as the traveler’s stone in Ancient Rome, believed to protect travelers, especially in the dark.

Moonstone Gemstone in Combination with other Gems

Amethyst and Moonstone paired together bring transformation and focus, especially for those wanting a big change in their life.

Onyx and Moonstone are seen as complementary opposites which makes them a great pair for inner balance and stability.

The sunstone and Moonstone pair bring great harmony with the combination of their masculine and feminine energy.

Moonstone Gemstone Birthstone and Zodiac Sign

Moonstone is June’s birthstone and the gemstone of the Gemini zodiac sign. For Geminis, Moonstones will greatly help in bringing balance, inner peace, prosperity, as well as cleansing of negativity.

The Moonstone Gemstone is also a traditional gift every 13th year of marriage, and every succeeding 13 years.

Moonstone Gemstone in Dreams

Moonstones are often used in dreamwork because of the belief that they can bring inner peace and protection during the night, resulting in happy dreams. It can also help induce lucid dreaming and help with peaceful sleep.

Moonstone Gemstone Omens and Superstitions

According to superstition, bringing or wearing a Moonstone during card games will secure a win. It is also being placed under the tongue during a full moon for it is believed to help make correct decisions. Moreover, it was sewn into clothing to increase a woman’s fertility.

Moonstone Gemstone Mythology and Folklore

In Hindu Mythology, Moonstone Gemstones were created by the ethereal light of the moon and used to bring sweet dreams at night time.

Moonstone is also the symbol of many different moon deities of different religions.
