Crepe Myrtle Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths
Crepe Myrtle Tree Facts

Considered as one of the most romantic trees, the Crepe Myrtle Tree is a flamboyant and fragrant small tree that lives in temperate and tropical places.
To be clear, this tree does not belong to the species of myrtles. The word myrtle is a generic name for an evergreen shrub known for its oval-shaped leaves. However, it was named a myrtle because its leaves look similar to the oval-shaped myrtles. What makes the Crepe Myrtle Tree stand out is its long blooming wonderful summer flowers which looks like they were made from crepe paper or the wrinkly thin paper.

Crepe Myrtle Tree Uses
The Crepe Myrtle Tree is best viewed along parks, roads, and gardens as they are beautiful and stunning to look at. They are indeed beautiful when they bloom and show off their pink and crimson flowers. The cone-shaped flowers are also popular among bees for their sweet pollen.
As an herbal medicine, the Crepe Myrtle tree has many health uses. The leaves of the Crepe Myrtle Tree contain corosolic acid which is an alternative medicine to increase insulin levels, lower cholesterol, and aid in weight loss.
The bark and branches of the Crepe Myrtle Tree contains flavonoids. Flavonoids from plants are known for their many uses such as anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral properties.
The Crepe Myrtle Tree is believed to help prevent cancer cells from multiplying because of its flavonoid and saponin content. It is also beneficial against diseases caused by viruses such as flu and inflammations. Flavonoid is also a known agent for healing the skin, protecting the skin from free radicals, and keeping the suppleness of the skin.
Crepe Myrtle Tree History
The Crepe Myrtle Tree traces its origin to Southeast Asia, particularly to China and South Korea. In Chinese, this tree is called one hundred days of red because its pink or crimson flowers bloom for this long period of time. The Crepe Myrtle served as a popular ornamental tree during the Tang dynasty.
Magnus von Lagerstroem, who is a merchant of the Swedish East Indies Company and naturalist, named the Lagerstroemia indica because he thought that the plant was from India. The plant arrived in England in the 1750s but it failed to bloom because of the cold climate. André Michaux then brought the plant to Southern Carolina. The Crepe Myrtle was one of the plants from Asia that adapted to the soil and climate of America.
Crepe Myrtle Tree Positive Symbolism

With its flamboyant pink and crimson crepe flowers, the Crepe Myrtle Tree has always been associated with love and fertility. In Germany, the flowers of Crepe Myrtle Tree were used as bridal crown. Instead of the traditional throwing of the bouquet during the wedding, the bridal crown is instead passed on to a random girl who might get married next. Its significance in weddings has also become a wedding tradition in the royal weddings of England. Starting from Princess Victoria, daughter of Queen Victoria, a branch of the Crepe Myrtle Tree has always been incorporated in the bridal bouquet.
The Crepe Myrtle Tree also symbolizes beauty and prosperity. The slender figure of the tree along with its beautiful and fragrant flowers symbolizes beauty and grace. Every person who sees the Crepe Myrtle Tree in full bloom will understand why it is associated with beauty and grace. Also, since the flowers bloom for a long time, some believe that this tree brings attraction of income to the household while it is at bloom.
Crepe Myrtle Tree Negative Symbolism

The indiscriminate practice of pruning down Crepe Myrtles is called Crape Murder. Even with only a single inflicted pruning wound, Crepe Myrtles will not be as beautiful and strong as other Crepe Myrtles. The sensitivity of a Crepe Myrtle Tree is a symbol of losing your happiness.
Crepe Myrtle Tree Cultural Symbolism
In Christianity, the Crepe Myrtle Tree is symbol of abundance where a verse in Isiah 55:13 states:
“Where once there were thorns, cypress trees will grow. Where nettles grew, myrtles will sprout up. These events will bring great honor to the Lord’s name; they will be an everlasting sign of his power and love.” (New Living Translation)
Though the Crepe Myrtle Tree is scientifically not a myrtle tree, the reference to it still applies. Accordingly, it is believed that places where the Crepe Myrtle Tree will receive God’s blessing. In some places, the Crepe Myrtle is a common decoration used in religious rites and events, such as baptism and weddings, because it invokes God’s blessings.
In Korea, the Crepe Myrtle Tree symbolizes love and devotion. It is locally called as baegilhong, or red-for-hundred-days. A legend narrates of a custom of sacrificing a maiden to a monster serpent living in the sea. One day, a man appeared and offered to take the place of the maiden in order to kill the monster serpent. The man said that if he returned with a white flag that means he succeeded but if the flag is red that means he failed. A boat with a red flag returned one hundred days later. The maiden, thinking the man failed, killed herself. In truth, the man succeeded but the flag turned red because it was stained by the blood of the monster serpent. From the maiden’s tomb bloomed the Crepe Myrtle Tree with flowers blooming for one hundred days representing the devotion of the maiden who prayed and waited for the return of the man.
Crepe Myrtle Tree Zodiac Sign
The Crepe Myrtle Tree is associated with the zodiac sign Virgo. Virgo is the Goddess of the Grain. Plants with colorful flowers that bloom in autumn are dedicated to her, such as the Crepe Myrtle Tree.
In Chinese zodiac, the Crepe Myrtle is a lucky flower for those born during the year of the Monkey. Since the element of the Crepe Myrtle Tree is earth, Earth Monkey-born people are frank, optimistic, and fearless.
Crepe Myrtle Tree in Dreams
To dream about Crepe Myrtle Trees blooming with pink or white flowers symbolizes innocence, purity, and spirituality. In general, it may refer to an event in life such as growth, promotion, and happiness.
However, if the flowers are wilted, it could mean disappointment and grief. If the flower is placed in your head, it can mean a potential love relationship or romance.
Crepe Myrtle Tree Omens and Superstitions
In Japan, the Crepe Myrtle Tree is called saru-suberi or “monkey slides” or “monkey-slip.” This is because the trunk of the tree is slippery and monkeys cannot climb it. It is prohibited to give any part of the Crepe Myrtle Tree to an employee expecting promotion or a student who took an exam since it may be perceived as an expectation for them to slide down from their ambition.
Crepe Myrtle Trees were also used as decorations by Ancient Greeks during weddings because it attracts positive energy that will ensure everlasting love for the couple.
Crepe Myrtle Tree Mythology and Folklore
The Crepe Myrtle Tree is devoted to the goddess Aphrodite. Aphrodite is often depicted with a crown made of the flowers of the Crepe Myrtle Tree and the temples built for her are planted with Crepe Myrtle Trees. Incidentally, she is the goddess of love and beauty. During weddings, flowers of the Crepe Myrtle Trees are added to the bouquet to symbolize the bride’s love and beauty.