10 Vulture Symbolism Facts & Meaning: A Totem, Spirit & Power Animal

When you hear about Vultures, it is usually about them eating carcasses and being dirty. While Vultures are negatively connected to decay and death, their symbolism has a deeper meaning. Give them a chance — discover their message and learn from them.

Vulture Symbolism Facts & Meaning: A Totem, Spirit & Power Animal

Vulture Symbolism & Meaning

Believe it or not, Vultures are symbols of purification and rebirth as death and decay are connected to those concepts as well. Moreover, their symbolisms are full of positive energy. Vultures are used to symbolize new beginnings, and new experiences. With that, it could also mean breaking free from what holds you back and accepting that the time to rectify your past wrongdoings is now.

Though they seem lazy for settling with dead animal carcasses, it is actually because they can’t keep prey from getting away. While they have strong beaks, they don’t have talons and their legs are made for walking. And so, they are settling with eating the meat of the already dead. This characteristic shows how Vultures will always find a way to survive. They promote utilizing your other skills despite having weaknesses.

Vulture Spirit Animal

When they approach you as your spirit animal, they are asking you to take your time when making decisions, as well as to learn how to be patient in general. It wants you to know that it is okay to delay settling whatever you are currently sorting out, if it means that you will then be making an informed decision.

As a spirit animal, Vultures just want to help with refocusing your life and allowing yourself to begin again. They will help you in dealing with new routines and habits, to support your new lifestyle.

Vultures have a strong stomach, containing one of the strongest acids able to digest the most toxic food there is. And so, they want you to be tough as well. They want you to be able to stomach criticism and accept it to better yourself.

Vulture Power Animal

If you want to become less conscious of your public image but instead focus more on doing what you really want, call upon the Vulture. They do not care about what others say as they can achieve their goals on their own. They may be looked on and be labeled weird and peculiar, but they know themselves. They are content with being able to live independently and providing for themselves. This is the life they are offering should you decide to follow their footsteps.

When you want a change of perspective and start ignoring what others think of you, the Vulture is the best power animal. They will help you isolate yourself from detractors.

Vultures are great guides if you need more patience for they know that great things come from learning to wait for the right timing. They are also aware that great things take time to build that they endorse the advantages of waiting for the right moment.

Vulture Totem Animal

Because Vultures are scavengers, they are symbols of resourcefulness. And in that vein, people who are born under this totem are advocates of frugality and restraint. They don’t like things going to waste so they like to share their blessings once they’ve gotten a good portion. They don’t subscribe to the idea of hoarding their bounty. They would rather share what they have and just worry about the next meal tomorrow.

As such, they are good in finding available opportunities. However, one dark side to that is that they are sometimes considered opportunistic, waiting to swoop in to take advantage of another person’s loss. They are often accused of being okay with getting ahead at the expense of someone else.

But as they are perceptive, they are always faced with a choice of whether they should grab opportunities to better themselves. Having keen insights, they tend to be great at tracking down and attracting good fortune.

Vulture Native American Symbolism

Native American people used to believe that the flight patterns of Vultures can be interpreted to forecast the weather. They also believed that Vultures have a connection with the dawn. This cements the link of these birds to rebirth symbolisms, as mornings are considered new beginnings.

Vulture Celtic Symbolism

Vultures are seen by Egyptians as protectors. They were linked to goddesses Mut and Nekhbet — the former because of her connection with Mother Earth who is linked to both life and death, and the latter because of death and funerals. For these, it was also believed that these creatures do not fear death.

Ancient Iranians used to let Vultures devour their dead as a symbol of rebirth as they believed that Vultures were angels of death. They used to think that it was the easiest way for their dead to be reborn, carrying their dead to the heavens. Some corpses are even torn by Vultures first, before it can be buried.

Vulture Far Eastern Symbolism

It has been believed that if a Vulture hovers over a house, it means that someone is going to die as these creatures can smell death.

Vulture in Dreams

Meanings of Vulture dreams are varied and different. They usually appear in dreams of those distraught and in the middle of a tough break. Most Vulture dreams are about insight, reflection and contemplation, but overall, it is a warning.

Should you dream of one in flight, it means that you are at the peak of achieving a goal. However, if you killed a Vulture in your dream, you might be experiencing a loss soon.

Vulture Encounters / Vulture Omens

Meeting a Vulture in real life means that you should be patient. Whether it is for a decision you need to make or an opportunity you are being offered, you should take the time to think it through.

Another possibility is that they want to let you know that there is an opportunity close at hand. It wants you to be ready to tear into it when you come across it.

Vulture Mythology and Folklore

Ancient Mayan culture also dictates their belief that Vultures are symbols of renewal and cleansing, as they consume the dead. They were believed to be agents of life and death.
