10 Periwinkle Flower Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

Periwinkle Flower Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Legends

Periwinkle Flower Facts

The name Periwinkle is shared by two related flower species, Chatharantus roseus, and Vinca, belonging to the Apocenacaea family. Periwinkles are small star-shaped flowers with five petals connected to a tubular center. They come in a variety of gorgeous colors including pale blue, purple, white, and red. The color, Periwinkle, is so named because it is the common color of the Periwinkle species Vinca.

Periwinkles are found all over the world. The flower is native to Europe, North Africa, and Southwest Asia. The Chatharantus roseus is an endangered species endemic to Madagascar but is highly popular as a cultivated garden flower.

Periwinkles are adaptable growers and have become naturalized all over the world where they are introduced. So much so that in the United States, New Zealand, and Australia, Periwinkles are classified as an invasive species.

Although drought-resistant and hardy plants, Periwinkles thrive in fertile well-drained soil and are one of the first flowers to bloom in spring. They stay in bloom continuously throughout the spring and sometimes during the summer.

All parts of the Periwinkle plant are toxic to both humans and animals when consumed in large amounts.

Periwinkle Flower Uses

Because of their delicate shape and gorgeous colors, Periwinkles are popularly used as ornamental decorations in gardens, bouquets, and indoor containers. They are great to use as bed covers and edging plants for landscape work.

Periwinkles grow in dense foliage across the ground making them an ideal plant to control soil erosion. They are often planted on slopes and in areas where vegetation struggles to grow.

They are great as pollinators, attracting several species for pollination like bees, butterflies, and moths.

Most importantly, Periwinkles are cultivated for their medicinal use. The Chatharanthus roseus has been used as traditional herbal medicine dating back to 2600 BC in Mesopotamia. Both Indian and Chinese traditional medicine use extracts from the Periwinkle plant to cure various diseases like diabetes and malaria.

Modern studies found Periwinkles to contain several types of alkaloids that are developed to help with the treatment of several forms of cancer.

Periwinkle Flower History

Native to the Mediterranean area and Madagascar, the Periwinkle Flower has come a long way from its native habitat into a naturalized flower all over the world. The first records of Periwinkle were in 2600 BC in Mesopotamia where it was used for herbal medicine. Ancient Indian and Chinese traditional medicine also used Periwinkles to cure various diseases.

The etymology of the name Periwinkle is Latin in its roots. The Romans called the flower pervinca, which may have been derived from the Latin word pervincire. In Latin, pervincire means to thoroughly intertwine or bind. This could allude to the plant’s way of growing into a carpet-like way, creeping on the ground, and binding anything in its way.

European travelers introduced the flower to different parts of the world. During the peak of impressionist art, the Periwinkle color is a favorite amongst artists for its beautiful blue-purple hue.

Today, Periwinkles are being studied for their medicinal use which can potentially combat cancer. However, Periwinkles are still more known as ornamental flowers in the garden and used in bouquets for special occasions. On the other hand, it has also become an invasive species in some areas of the world.

Periwinkle Flower Positive Symbolism

There are several positive symbolisms that the Periwinkle Flower represents. White Periwinkles are associated with purity and innocence. Periwinkles during the Victorian era are associated with friendship, strength, new beginnings, and everlasting love. They also symbolize feelings of nostalgia.

Periwinkles also represent achieving one’s big dreams because of the plant’s ability to stay green throughout winter.

Periwinkle Flower Negative Symbolism

There is a darker side to the Periwinkle Flower. They are often associated with death because they are historically woven into headbands which is placed on the heads of dead children or loved ones and criminals on their way to execution.

Periwinkle Flower Cultural Symbolism

Periwinkles have been around for centuries and are earlier associated with herbal medicine in several cultures. During the medieval era, they are a symbol for prisoners who are about to be executed or set free.

Blue Periwinkles are highly associated with the Virgin Mary in the Christian religion and known as the “virgin flower” during the middle ages. They also symbolize chastity.

In Ukraine, Periwinkles are featured in folklore that tells tales of love, especially long-lasting love. This turned the Periwinkle into a symbol of eternal love in the country and the flowers were gifted to newlyweds to wish them a long and happy marriage.

In the United States, Periwinkles are also commonly used in weddings as the “something blue” for the special occasion. They were also a symbol of death in the USA as they were once planted on gravesites with destroyed or no longer existing gravestones.

Periwinkle is also the name of one of the fairies in Disney’s Tinkerbell series.

Periwinkle Flower Zodiac Sign

Periwinkle Flowers are most similar to the zodiac sign of Virgo. Periwinkles are small dainty but gorgeous flowers that can take over habitats because of their highly adaptable nature. Likewise, Virgos are kind and soft-spoken but are disciplined if they want to achieve something. They are strong-willed and know how to direct things to go their way.

Periwinkle Flower in Dreams

Dreaming of Periwinkle Flowers is unfortunately often associated with negative or uncomfortable events. Dreaming of Periwinkles can mean that the dreamer may be in for a disappointment in their life or friendship. They can also indicate to the dreamer that they need to reassess their current situation and be more open to change.

Periwinkle Flower Omens and Superstitions

Europeans once called the Periwinkle Flower “the sorcerer’s violet” as they believe it has the power to dispel evil spirits. Likewise, Wiccans believe that Periwinkles are strong protective herbs that can keep evil away. They often use Periwinkles in spells and rituals.

It is also believed that planting Periwinkles on a child’s grave will send the child’s spirit on a new and positive journey.

Stuffing Periwinkle leaves in the marital bed is believed to help with a happy and long-lasting marriage.

Periwinkle Flower Mythology and Folklore

Periwinkle plants are said to be plants of the goddess Venus from Roman mythology. Early Europeans believed the flowers to be an aphrodisiac and Wiccans would use Periwinkles to mix potent love potions.
