Looking at the Hummingbird, it is only possible to see these things: its carefree flight, its enviable lightness, and how it endlessly flits from one flower to another. Indeed, the Hummingbird has come to symbolize both lightness of being as well as enjoyment of life. Life is sweet, and the Hummingbird enjoys it to the last drop. It is a creature that drops all negativity.

Hummingbird Symbolism Facts & Meaning: A Totem, Spirit & Power Animal

Hummingbird Symbolism & Meaning

The Hummingbird also teaches us a very powerful lesson. It does not see the bright side of life because it is ignorant of the other side. Instead, this animal reaches its state because it is perpetually aware of the present. That means it understands that one must consciously turn away from negativity in order to see the fullness of life. Only then can one quickly respond to anything that comes up, uninterrupted by trepidation and worries.

Hummingbird Spirit Animal

The Hummingbird shows us that the sweetness of life does not simply come uninvited. The bird searches for nectar in its daily life, a reminder for us to actively look for the sweetness in everyday things. Hummingbirds have tough beaks and long tongues, that can get past the bitter parts of flowers. In seeing it go about its business, the Hummingbird tells us to endure the more unsavory aspects of life, in order to earn our sweet reward.

Hummingbird Power Animal

When the Hummingbird is your power animal, you are given the chance to develop agility in life. Not physical agility, but spiritual — you are able to quickly reorient and glide from one opportunity to another, unimpaired by failures. You are quick to adapt, sensitively feeling out your environment for any untoward emotions or movements.

Hummingbird Totem Animal

When you feel stagnant in life, call on the Hummingbird as your totem! It will help you to open up and let the sunshine in, to be more receptive to love and positive emotions. You might have let yourself drown in your daily activities, allowing yourself to descend into a rut. The Hummingbird exhorts you to free yourself and fly away from all this.

The Hummingbird is also there to remind you that the lightness of life is not just meant for yourself. Just as the bird shares its blessings with you, you should seek those who you care about and spread the love to them, too!

Hummingbird Native American Symbolism

The Hummingbird assumes different meanings for the American Indians, depending on the tribe. For example, most tribes value the Hummingbird as a symbol of the cycles and eternal life. This is mostly because the bird appears to die or disappear during winter, and yet return in the summer full of life. Interestingly, this belief is shared by the South American tribes in the Andes region.

The Hummingbird is also believed to be an omen of good luck. This is why the Hummingbird is highly-prized, and often appear in such items as clothes, tepees, totem poles, and even musical instruments. They are also used in tattoos.

Hummingbird Celtic Symbolism

The Hummingbird does not appear expressly in the Celtic tradition, but it has its analogue in the form of the wren. The wren’s vibrant activity is similar to the flitting attitude of the Hummingbird, and the Celtics valued this greatly. It is not just the fact that both Hummingbirds and wrens go about their tasks cheerfully, it is also the fact that they do not idle around. Instead, they find enjoyment in fastidious work. This is a quality that is highly valued by the Celts. To them, making daily progress is very important.

Hummingbird Far Eastern Symbolism

Because Hummingbirds are geographically restricted to the American region, it does not appear in the Asian pantheon of symbols as well. However, there is also an analogue, the butterfly. To the Far Eastern tradition, the butterfly is a symbol of both joy and a long life (which springs from this joy). Along with this, the butterfly also symbolizes the power to heal transformatively, relying on the miracles of love and hope to touch the lives of people.

Hummingbird in Dreams

The grace and speed of the Hummingbird is a good thing when it appears in dreams, as it means you would have the same grace and speed when accomplishing your goals. You will be able to go through your tasks effectively.

In the same vein, the Hummingbird is also a reminder to never underestimate oneself. Compared to other birds, the Hummingbird is but a small member. However, it can mean and do great things. No matter how small you feel right now, there is great power within you!

Hummingbird Encounters / Hummingbird Omens

Seeing a Hummingbird right before a big undertaking such as a trip or a project is believed to be a good omen, particularly of success. Often, it also reminds us that no matter how hard the task before us is, we should always think of the positive side and enjoy the blessings as they come.

The Hummingbird may also appear to ask us questions that will unveil deeper meanings within us. It challenges us to look for our inner happiness, and to stop chasing it from external things. It challenges us to identify what makes us tick — the source of our joy — and what we can do to obtain or expand it!

Hummingbird Mythology and Folklore

According to Hopi mythology, the Hummingbird is the one who intervenes the gods to bring rains to the lands. To the Aztecs, the Hummingbird was used to symbolize their god Huitzilopochtli — the Hummingbird of the South. Despite their small size, Hummingbirds are fierce protectors of their territory.

To the Mayans, the Hummingbird was the favorite of the gods. It was created out of leftover feathers the gods used to create other birds, but they ended up being enamored with it! To the Cherokees, the Hummingbird was responsible for bringing a piece of the first ever tobacco plant to help an old, sick woman. This highlights not just the Hummingbird’s speed, but also its status as the mediator between the gods and men.
