Seahorses are seen as mysterious and weird as people aren’t familiar with its behavior and life. Did you know that Seahorses have adapted to its current curved body because it helps them pivot forward which helps in catching prey? Their unorthodox nature and appearance makes their symbolism and meaning peculiar and quite interesting.

Seahorse Symbolism Facts & Meaning: A Totem, Spirit & Power Animal

Seahorse Symbolism & Meaning

Since the Seahorse’s eyes are found on opposite sides of its head, it can basically see both sides at the same time — making them emblems for observation and awareness.

While Seahorses move very slow, they don’t get swept by the current often as they are good in anchoring themselves. This makes them great symbols of persistence and patience. Plus, it is a good reminder for the importance of having something to hold on to when the waves come — some support system when we need someone to depend on.

They are also often associated to the role of the father as they are unique in their ability to carry the burden of pregnancy and child-rearing. It is seen as a great metaphor for sharing the load in a partnership or in a household.

Seahorse Spirit Animal

As some consider Seahorses keepers of historical knowledge (read: past lives), them approaching you as your spirit animal could mean that they are trying to stop you from making the same mistake you made before.

The Seahorse is there to remind you that you have been too persistent with your own ideals to the point you might be getting stagnant. If you are meeting your Seahorse spirit animal after stumbling upon an obstacle, it is to help you with overcoming it. It wants you to look for alternative ways to solve your dilemma.

Another usual message from the Seahorse spirit animal is to be more generous, whether it is with your physical resources, your talents, or your time. It is never a bad idea to be generous as long as you know your limit.

Seahorse Power Animal

If you are feeling helpless in navigating stormy emotional waters, call upon the Seahorse and it will aid you in getting there. If you need encouragement about parenting, it can also help you find the balance in parenting and finding time for yourself.

Should you need protection from evil thoughts, the Seahorse’s energy can help you stay strong and not get knocked off.

Seahorse Totem Animal

Seahorse people can easily control their emotions, as stable as these small creatures are when swimming slowly but surely, using their tails as anchors. They are also good when it comes to dealing with difficult situations as they see all angles well. They are usually level-headed, content, and serene.

It is believed that Seahorses mate for life, so people with this totem animal are often not afraid of commitment. Being observant, they are great in being a partner and with being a parent. 

People with the Seahorse totem have a natural desire to help people in need. It is also often that they are able to see through people’s facade. However, these people often doesn’t appreciate their inquisitiveness and it is seen as prying. Moreover, their helpfulness is often seen as patronizing.

Seahorse Native American Symbolism

The Native American tribes weren’t exposed much to the deep sea to encounter the Seahorse often. Hence, they were not given significant symbolism.

Seahorse Celtic Symbolism

Seahorses were believed to be sacred to Poseidon (known as Neptune in Roman Mythology), that symbolisms for power and authority were attributed to it. People often call them “Hippocampus” which technically means “horse monster”.

There were evidence that Seahorses were believed to be brave navigators of the sea. Greco-Roman sailors used to view Seahorses as lucky charms, as it is believed that if a sailor dies at sea, a Seahorse will guide him to the afterlife, protecting him until he gets to his rightful destination. 

Seahorse Far Eastern Symbolism

The people of the Torres Strait Islands in Australia believes that Seahorses bring good luck in finding food, hunting or fishing, that they utilize them as lucky charms.

Likewise, they were viewed as symbols of good fortune by the Chinese, especially for seafarers. They believed that the Seahorse is related to the dragon, and that they were some type of sea dragon.

Seahorse in Dreams

Dreaming of Seahorses are usually reminders to expand your perspective and to open your mind to new and different ideas. It could also be an encouragement to stay persistent and determined in achieving your goals.

If you are specifically feeling lost then suddenly dream of Seahorses, it is their way of telling you that the solution is to step back and try to see the situation in a different angle.

Seahorse dreams could also be a warning that you have been procrastinating. While the Seahorse never rushes, it still perseveres, so they want you to do the same.

If you dream of a couple of Seahorses intertwined, it is telling you to look into your romantic relations for a while. It means that you should grow your relationships more.

Should you dream of a pregnant Seahorse, it is a reminder to break free from society’s gender roles and to find your own and explore it.

Seahorse Encounters / Seahorse Omens

While persistence is almost always a good thing, it could make a person too stubborn to try new things or to get out of their comfort zone. The Seahorse could be serving as an example.

If you encounter a Seahorse, it is a reminder to pause and look at life with a different perspective. 

A dead Seahorse is a bad omen — whether you see it in person or in a dream. You should be wary of starting new projects until the unluckiness passes.

Seahorse Mythology and Folklore

A couple of giant Seahorses are mentioned in Greek Mythology as Poseidon’s chariot drivers. The Seahorse is usually represented by the Capricorn in most myths.

In Scottish folklore, they are also sometimes represented by the kelpie, a water demon spirit in the shape of a horse. These kelpies have shape-shifting abilities and could turn into human forms.
