10 Willow Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

Willow Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths I Willow Tree Facts As described by Taylor Swift in her song “Willow,” the Willow Tree is a flexible but strong tree that can adapt to any weather. It is unique for its drooping branches and leaves. The tree usually grows near bodies of… Continue reading 10 Willow Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

10 Hickory Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

Hickory Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths I Hickory Tree Facts The shortening of the Native American tribe, Virginia Algonquian term “pawcohiccora”, referring to Hickory nut meat or milk, is where the name “Hickory” originates. The tree belongs to the genus Carya and known for its tough and durable characteristics. Hickory… Continue reading 10 Hickory Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

10 Pine Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

Pine Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths I Pine Tree Facts There are three popular Christmas trees – Spruce, Fir, and Pine Tree – because of the resemblance to each other. Pine Trees belong to a family of evergreen conifers marked by their needle-like leaves and cone-bearing seeds. The Pine Tree… Continue reading 10 Pine Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths