Elm Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

Elm Tree Facts

The Elm Tree belongs to the genus Ulmus, with around 30-40 species spread throughout different places. The Elm Tree lives in tropical and temperate regions except Australasia. This tree is a favorite ornamental tree especially in urban areas for having large canopy. It can grow up to 30 meters in height with its crown having an umbrella shape.

Elm Tree Uses

One species of the Elm Tree is known for its medicinal benefits. The inner bark of the Slippery Elm contains a liquid substance that has been used in traditional medicine. The bark of the tree is sought for the management of digestive problems, bladder problems, and infertility. It is claimed that the inner bark has properties that can help regulate the hormones affecting fertility. The inner bark can be consumed as is, grounded into powder, or made into a poultice. It can also be used to clean and treat wounds because of its healing properties.

The Elm Tree is also a strong tree. Aside from providing great relief with its shade, the Elm Tree is purposely planted as a windbreaker. It can grow both in forests and residential areas. In North America, the Elm Tree has been a prominent tree in farms, town squares, and roads.

Lastly, the Elm Tree is used in furniture and woodworks. It is tough, resistant to stress, and lightweight. In London, it was discovered that water pipes were made from the Elm Tree way back in 1613. The inner bark of the Elm Tree can also be used to produce a natural yellow die for clothes.

Elm Tree History

Some species of the Elm Tree are said to originate in Asia and spread throughout places in the Northern Hemisphere. There are Elm Trees in Indonesia, Lebanon, Middle East, and Europe, Japan, and New Zealand.

The American Elm is native to America. Before it was discovered by European settlers, the Elm Tree is significant among Native Americans. It grew abundantly everywhere. However, the number of American Elm Tree declined when the Dutch Elm disease infected the trees in 1928.

Elm Tree Positive Symbolism

In the Bible, the Elm Tree is mentioned as one the trees planted by God in Isaiah 41:19 to help the Israelites. This particular chapter reminds us not to be afraid because God’s resources are abundant. The Elm Tree reminds us that desserts and barren land can be fruitful and beautiful forests. In a way, this tree is a symbol of God’s dignity and the people’s faithfulness.

The Elm Tree is a symbol of freedom and peace. In Montgomery, the American Liberty Elm was planted in 1646 to mark freedom from British oppression. The Sons of Liberty held meetings under the shade of the Elm Tree. However, the tree was axed by British colonizers but it inspired Americans to plant more Elm Trees until they gained freedom. The Elm Tree symbolizes that there can be peace and freedom after a war. Just like in our everyday lives, we can also take a moment to reflect and be free from our internal struggles.

Elm Tree Negative Symbolism

Celtic people believe that the Elm Tree is a passageway to the underworld. The tree grows near the passageways between the Earth and the underworld. The Elm Tree is associated with death and transition to the underworld that coffins were also made from the Elm Tree.

Elm Tree Cultural Symbolism

Native Americans call the Elm Tree as “council tree.” When there was still a lot of Elm Trees in North America, the Native Americans would gather under the shade of the Elm Tree to conduct meetings. The American Elm Tree is the largest in the genus Ulmus which explains its prominence in the forest.

In Britain, the Elm Trees are used to mark territories and serve as landmarks because of its height. It is also said that judges and preachers worked under the shade of the Elm Tree. In French mythology, judges also stay under the Elm Tree to get inspiration for their decisions.

The Knights Templar is a military force related to Christ and the Temple of Jerusalem. In 1187, the Priory of Sion and the Knights Templar separated and this event was called the “Cutting of the Elm.” Knights Templar believed in the magical and protective properties of the Elm Tree. Some think that treasures of the Knights Templar were buried between an Elm Tree and Oak Tree. In 1949, Herbert W. Tompkins wrote about Elm Trees planted on the grave of the members of Knights Templar. In a graveyard site in Suffolk, England, one of the ten Elm Tree fell down. A skeleton was found tangled in the roots of the Elm Tree. Enthusiasts then believed that each of the ten Elm Trees contained a body of the Knights Templar, protecting each body.

Elm Tree Zodiac Sign

The Elm Tree is ruled by the planet Saturn. Saturn is the Roman god of abundance, agriculture, and liberation. These attributes are also possessed by the Elm Tree hence it is consecrated to Saturn.            

In Celtic astrology, the Elm Tree is the tree-sign for those born or conceived on January 12 to January 22 and July 14 to July 24. People governed by the Elm Tree are natural born leaders. They have excellent interpersonal skills and organizational skills. They are faithful and loving. However, as a popular ornamental tree with large canopy, people born under the Elm Tree require a lot of attention and they can be arrogant when their expectations are not met.

Elm Tree in Dreams

In Greek mythology, the Elm Tree is consecrated to Oneiros who is the god of dreams. As such, the Elm Tree is regarded for its ability to foresee the future through dreams.

Generally, dreaming of an Elm Tree represents feeling of security. This relates to protective properties of the Elm Tree. You are content with your life and you are assured of your current circumstances. On the negative side, the Elm Tree represents anxiety or responsibility. You are comparing yourself to the achievements of others and you are anxious about things you do not have.

The Elm Tree can also predict that something bad can happen. The tree can mean that you are vulnerable and you need to be careful.

Elm Tree Omens and Superstitions

In Scandinavia and Finland, it is a custom to plant a tree on the farm. The Elm Tree is believed to grow where a magical elf is buried. The Elm Tree will then protect the farm from witches and bad luck. If a disaster will happen, the Elm Tree would even warn the owners by appearing to be sick.

Elm Tree Mythology and Folklore

In Norse mythology, the first people were made from the trunks of the Ash Tree and Elm Tree. After the world was created, Odin, Vili and Ve were walking when they saw two tree trunks lying on the shore. Ask was made from the Ash Tree while Embla was made from the Elm Tree. Odin breathed life into the tree trunks, while Vili and Ve gave them mental ability and three senses to see, hear, and speak. They were then allowed to dwell in Midgard and became the father and mother of the human civilization.
