The Coyote is that teacher you wish you had in high school. It teaches us a lot about life, and is incredibly wise. But it doesn’t achieve it by being old and boorish. No, a Coyote is playful, naughty, and full of life. It loves object lessons, the type that stays with us forever.
Hence, the Coyote’s identity is two-fold — a unique and versatile character that we should take time to study.
Coyote Symbolism Facts & Meaning: A Totem, Spirit & Power Animal
Coyote Symbolism & Meaning
The Coyote is a symbol of effortless adaptability. It can easily react to situations, and it can move decisively as needed. It can turn from a subtle observer of its surroundings to a vicious fighter, all in a snap of one’s fingers.
The Coyote is also a symbol of caution. It may seem effortless and playful, but behind the scenes the Coyote’s mind always works. Living in the harsh environment of the prairies, the Coyote has learned to see things as they are, both the good and the bad.
Coyote Spirit Animal
When the Coyote appears as your spirit animal, it is a reminder that you should laugh at yourself. Sounds easy? In keeping with the Coyote’s character, this is a pretty deep matter. To laugh at oneself means you can see your mistakes for what they are — follies that could have been prevented had you thought more about the issue. Experience is the best teacher, and from here you will learn how to approach things in the future.
The Coyote also exhorts us to live in the present moment. This is another secret that lets us laugh at our mistakes. By living in the present, we learn to move on and focus on what is important today.
Coyote Power Animal
When you need to learn how to live life happily, the Coyote might be the perfect power animal to call on. It is one that helps you release your inner stress, not in a careless way but in a useful one. This is especially true when you need to face something that is out of your comfort zone. Despite its dry environs, the Coyote is like water — it ebbs and flows like the tide, moving around and defeating the pressures of life. The Coyote does this by understanding its own power and knowing how to position itself to make it the most out of the situation.
Coyote Totem Animal
Those with the Coyote as the totem animal are naturally wise and playful. They are always optimistic, seeing the silver lining where others can only see dark clouds. They are often the class clowns, and the guide for their friends who need a dash of happiness in their lives.
Simplicity is also another of the Coyote’s traits. It is like Occam’s Razor — the simplest solution is often the right one. The Coyote knows that the more complicated things become, the more there is room for error and chaos.
Coyote Native American Symbolism
To the Native Americans, the wisdom of the Coyote has granted it the role of a creator. It may be a trickster, but it was responsible for creating the seismic activities that ultimately separated land from water.
The Coyote is also honored by medicine men from different tribes, invoking it in different rituals.
Coyote Celtic Symbolism
Being a creature indigenous to the North American region, Coyotes were not present in Celtic culture. The closest we can get to the Coyote is through its cousin, the fox. Foxes are likewise renowned for their wisdom and their affinity for the wild, enabling them to see the path where humans can only see darkness. Like the Coyote, the fox also has the reputation of being a trickster.
Coyote Far Eastern Symbolism
The Far East did not endemically know the Coyotes, but their spirits also live on in foxes. These creatures take black and white forms, signifying good and evil. Their wisdom allows them to harness great magic powers, which they mostly use to shapeshift and confound their enemies.
Coyote in Dreams
Like their dual nature of innate wisdom couples with outward playfulness, the Coyote may also be a double-edged messenger when it comes to dreams. It all depends on the movement of the Coyote. One that is sneaking about, as if it is stalking prey, conveys the possibility that someone is doing the same to you. They may be deceiving you, or they may be plotting against you.
On the other hand, a Coyote may appear motionless in your dreams. Or, it may even appear playful. When this happens, the Coyote is trying to communicate that you need to take a more relaxed stance in life. You may need to loosen up, and you may need the company of friends and family to give you a good laugh. Coyotes, after all, are also very tightly-knit in groups, allowing them to draw support from each other in times of need.
Coyote Encounters / Coyote Omens
When you see the Coyote in your life (provided it is not being aggressive towards you), it is time to stop and think about your present situation. Maybe you are in a rut, and you are hard-pressed to stay afloat. Maybe you are feeling stagnant, and feel helpless because you cannot make an important change. Maybe you feel that things are working against you, and you need a leg up in life.
The Coyote works with only itself and its family. In the heat of the prairies, the Coyote survives through its own talents. When it appears, it reminds us to look within ourselves and use our human resourcefulness to soar above our problems.
Coyote Mythology and Folklore
In Native American culture, the Coyote is considered as something of a benevolent troublemaker. This is especially true of the Navajo tribe. The Coyote is said to have the power over the coming of rain.
Sometimes, the Coyote is portrayed as a meddling wiseman who causes more trouble than good. There are also times when it is portrayed as a savior of the tribe, capable of crippling threats that are too much for humans to handle. This is just another demonstration of the Coyote’s paradoxical personality.