10 Aspen Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

Aspen Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

Holding the title of the “Largest Living Organism on Earth”, a single Aspen Tree root can produce thousands of offshoots that look like separate trees spreading up to over a hundred acres of land. The tree displays an overall appearance of shaking even with the slightest breeze hence called the Quaking Aspen. This amazing deciduous tree is popular for its bright yellow-colored leaves bringing calmness as the wind blows.

Aspen Tree Facts

The first fascinating thing you need to know about the Aspen Tree is that it exists collectively. The individual trees you are seeing are actually all connected through a root system underground, which is basically its main life force.

Each stand is called a clone that altogether can occupy as much as 43,560 square feet of land. It grows at a height between 20 to 80 feet with a diameter of about 3 to 18 inches. The spring time brings forth blooms of white, small flowers. As a deciduous tree, it sheds once a year during the fall season. The lifespan is up to 150 years and some even reach 200 years! A very interesting fact about the tree is the unusual sensitivity it has with fire, which is somewhat in a reverse kind of way. It does not easily burn, more so, it becomes stimulated after fires to regenerate and display increased sprouts to numbers.

Did you know that an Aspen clone in Utah has lived for more than 80,000 years? It is older than the Bristlecone Pines and large Sequoias!

Aspen Tree Uses

This tree, just like many other woodland trees, is a good source of natural resources that are beneficial for different types of industries.

Because it is less flammable compared to other types of woods, Aspen Trees are useful in producing matches and papers. It is also often used in the timber industry. Moreover, its bark and leaves have medicinal properties as its concoction can be used to treat joint pains, body aches, nerve trouble, and bladder problems. Its treatment capacity increases when it is combined with other herbs. Furthermore, its shredded bark is much less inflammatory for creating animal bedding in comparison to other alternative materials.

Aspen Tree History

In North America, this tree has great significance to both history and culture. During the old times, Nuche people of the Ute Indian Tribe carve glyphs on barks of the Aspen Tree reflecting details of their culture. The tribe, similar to other indigenous people, also historically used Aspen for medicinal preparations since it contains salicylates which has similar functions to aspirin.

Aspen Tree Positive Symbolism

Aspen is a wonderful tree that symbolizes peace, protection, rebirth, and resurrection. Its structure shows that it can guard you against challenges in life. Also, seeing an Aspen Tree could also be a sign of your victory in life.

Aspen Tree Negative Symbolism

This tree is a symbol of deep sorrow due to the belief by some people that its wood was used to create the cross for Jesus’ crucifixion. Afterwards, it is also thought to be the same kind of tree where Judas hanged himself.

Aspen Tree Cultural Symbolism

We all know that different cultures possess different beliefs – this also applies to the symbolism of the Aspen Tree.

In India, the Aspen Tree is considered as sacred because it is close to the wind. Based on their belief, anything closely associated with the messenger of the gods such as the wind will be deemed as sacred.

In Germany, it is a cursed wood trembling in fear. Because according to them, it is the only tree that denies God.

In France, it is believed that its leaves flutter vigorously even in the slightest breeze because of fear and guilt. The reason behind this is the fact that the Aspen wood was the one used to make the cross where Jesus was crucified.

For Celtic warriors, they view it as a shield because they literally use its wood for defense in battle.

Aspen Tree Zodiac Sign

Aspen Tree Druid Zodiac

People under the rule of Aspen are born from June 11 to June 20 and from December 11 to December 20. Just like the tree, they have the ability to stand out while coping with difficult situations. They like adventures that can bring out their diverse abilities. And when they want something or someone, they would be willing to sacrifice everything to get it.

However, they are not too involved in society so they don’t have a lot of friends. Also, they are not usually steady partners because of their shallowness at times.

Aspen Tree in Dreams

Seeing an Aspen Tree in your dream could mean that you are currently feeling lonely. It is also interpreted as a sad omen that you will face misfortunes that may affect your values. If you are walking in an Aspen forest, it means that you are surrounded by people who cannot support you or even wishes you evil.

Aspen Tree Omens and Superstitions

There are different superstitions related to Aspen Trees that formed a long time ago. Some of them are the following. First, it serves as an amulet because it has the ability to absorb and destroy negative energies. It can also ward off death. Second, burning a thing on an Aspen fire stops the curse and negative influence associated with it. Third, children who can’t sleep soundly should put an Aspen branch under their pillow because it has a beneficial effect on sleep. Fourth, its bark saves a person who is bitten by a snake when speaking to it then applying it to the affected area. Fifth, walking in an Aspen forest cleanses a person and protects him/her against magical influences.

Aspen Tree Mythology and Folklore

The word Aspen means “shield” from the Greek word Aspis. This tree was believed immortal as it is the last to burn due to its less flammable characteristic. More than that, it is also quick to replenish, making people to think of magical properties. They thought that this tree has the power to protect so they used its leaves to create crowns for heroes. For this reason, the Aspen Tree was considered a tree of heroes back then. The trunk and bark may not be really unbreakable, but its lightweight characteristic also made it a desired material for creating shields for supernatural defense besides being easy to carry.

Another legend says of the Aspen Trees having complained, gathered, and agreed to refuse bowing down in respect of a divine being who visits the forest. Despite all the other trees and plants bowing down, the Aspen Trees stood tall and ignoring. The lightning was called in punishment of the Aspen Trees that their leaves tremble in fear. Until this day, the Aspen Tree leaves shake in fear of the divine being.

And that’s it! I’m sure you’ll be able to appreciate Aspen Trees more the next time you see them.
