10 Pentagon Polygon Shape Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Astrology, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

Pentagon Shape Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Mythology I Pentagon Shape Facts and History The Pentagon is a five-sided polygon with five vertices, five angles, and five sides. Pentagonal buildings and structures can be found in Islamic and ancient Greek cultures, and the shape has been used in architecture and design for… Continue reading 10 Pentagon Polygon Shape Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Astrology, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

10 Butternut Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

Butternut Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths I Butternut Tree Facts Also called as white walnut, the Butternut Tree is a native of North America. It grows in Eastern United States and Southeast Canada. However, it is one of the trees declared in 2008 to be at risk or endangered. The… Continue reading 10 Butternut Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

10 Basswood Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

Basswood Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths I Basswood Tree Facts There are 950 trees native to North America according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. One of them is the Basswood Tree, scientifically called tilia americana, which is also called American Linden. The Basswood Tree is a large deciduous tree.… Continue reading 10 Basswood Tree Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths