10 Pentagon Polygon Shape Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Astrology, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

Pentagon Shape Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Mythology I Pentagon Shape Facts and History The Pentagon is a five-sided polygon with five vertices, five angles, and five sides. Pentagonal buildings and structures can be found in Islamic and ancient Greek cultures, and the shape has been used in architecture and design for… Continue reading 10 Pentagon Polygon Shape Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Astrology, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

10 Dusty Miller Flower Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

Dusty Miller Flower Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Legends I Dusty Miller Flower Facts Dusty Miller refers to several species of silvery-leafed plants in the genus Jacobaea or Senecio. Dusty Miller is botanically known as Senecio cineraria. Senecio is a shortened version of the Latin word Senex, which means “old man” in… Continue reading 10 Dusty Miller Flower Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

10 Begonia Flower Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths

Begonia Flower Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Legends I Begonia Flower Facts There are various fascinating things to know about Begonia. For one, its bloom actually bears a fruit, winged capsule that splits in half to disperse seeds characterized as fine textured and comparable to dust. It is in fact recognized as… Continue reading 10 Begonia Flower Symbolism Facts & Meaning: Zodiac, Superstitions, Dreams, and Myths